
The things we had made, the things we do
all our issues, all our problems they take us
to a bad way, sad way that we want it dissapear
or dissapear ourselves and don't see anyone.
I think the people make problems to survive
or to amuse themselves, and that shit is so
bullshit, so unnecessary, so needles and
sometimes I say the people is so fool and they
don't realize that they are damaging.
I did so harm, and now I feel son bad and I
have many pains in my heart and it feels
everyday in my soul and I can't live calm.
But somebody should let make a thing,
a thing that make my pain grow, and if
that person (she) would let to make it
I might live a little more in peace, maybe.
I ask her, please, please.
But forgive me, excuse me.

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